Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Back in the trailer again...

Well, we are in the process of moving all our stuff (that will fit) from the apartment where we stayed in for the winter, back into our trailer. Everything else is going away to friends, relatives, and Goodwill. If you are interested and nearby, Saturday April 28 is our "house-cooling", where you can stop by the apartment anytime to visit, and we will give you stuff to take home. :) Call for directions! We stayed here last night for the first time since last fall, and are glad to be back in our home. It just feels right. We are still planning to pull out of Maine on May 15th or 16th. Our first stop is near Schenectady, NY, to visit with some college friends. And we have a new camera, so photos will be uploaded this trip!


  1. Cool. I hope you have a great time this summer. Are you planning to head out west?

    1. Yes! Hope we will be able to get together again.
