Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today, Theresa reorganized all the tools, and made a bin of extras to give away. Yes, we still had 5 hammers, 5 tape measures, 2 hacksaws, 2 crescent wrenches, 2 sets of jumper cables, piles of screwdrivers... Somehow all that got brought with us, even after we weeded out tools before leaving. (I like hammers!)

She also worked on polying the sign she made for out front. Pictures will follow when it's done!

After working, I installed the third towel bar in the bathroom, this time in the tub for washcloths and stuff. May need some hooks in there, too, for dripping bathing suits - later, later.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try to lower the dinette table 2 inches for easier typing. But for now, just kicking back and relaxing for the evening. :)

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